How do we keep our hearts in a world determined to rob us of them? King David knew the secret.

Goliath stood threatening the armies of God until the kid brother of some warriors arrived, fresh from tending sheep.

“David said to Saul, “Let no one lose heart on account of this Philistine; your servant will go and fight him.” (1 Samuel 17:32 ESV)

We smile with condescension at David’s bold pronouncement. Ironic since we know he does secure victory for God’s people! Still, we smirk and deem it youthful zeal.

The crime is that we do this, also, to our own hearts.

When our believing hearts say, “I will reach this nation for Christ.” Or “I will intercede for this addict until he is freed.” Or “I will write books that transform lives.” Another part within looks down and hands that faith-filled part of our hearts the armor of King Saul.

That armor looks like “Managed expectations.” “Realistic hopes.” “Don’t get ahead of yourself.” “Who do I think I am?”

David is unselfconscious against Goliath.

The men around likely snicker, scold, or sneer. But he remains focused on the affront to God’s name. On what he knows God can do.

Wisdom and discernment are essential in the Christian life, but guard against worldly versions so they don’t smother your believing heart with a pillow. Remind your worldly self (the one labeling David’s words naïve) that David did defeat Goliath.

Sometimes, within us, a battle wages between the disciple inside still trying to figure Jesus out and the believing child running to His arms.

Don’t let your inner disciple block that child from Jesus.

Have a heart after God’s heart. Nurture that believing child-like faith that is effective against giants of all kinds.

Mourn the world’s brokenness. Believe God’s greatness. Hurl stones at giants. Keep your heart. Adapted from Lori Roeleveld Blog

Prayer: Our Father who is in heaven – I seek after Your heart. The heart that holds, heals, strengthens, protects and encourages. I seek You for help to throw stones and defeat the giants in my life. Giants in the form of lies about myself and my life, lies about what I cannot do, lies about what I can see as a future. Give me Lord, the powerful smooth stones of Your living word – Jesus Christ – to help me take out the things in my life that You have not planned, that You do not approve and that You will not use. I pray and give thanks in the name of Jesus, Amen.