Matthew 28:6a (NIV): “He is not here; he is risen, just as he said.”

I heard the words “the car is gone” and rolled over in bed to see my husband standing stunned in the doorway. There is nothing quite like a jolt of adrenaline in the morning to replace your coffee. We suddenly realized our vehicle was no longer where we had left it.

This season in our lives had been filled with so many hard things, and here was another incident to add to our ever-growing list. We went through all the motions, filed the police report, and began to figure out how we would manage our busy family with one car — when, to our shock, the car was found!

We were jumping up and down, praising God! Our prayers were answered. But only days later, the car was stolen again.

If this weren’t my life, I wouldn’t believe it either. Sometimes life feels ridiculous, inconceivable and just plain unfair.

Maybe for you, it’s a hurting heart, a ruptured relationship or a broken home. During hard seasons, our hearts ask: “How could God’s plan include so much pain? ” Our agony tells us a story with no ending and no hope. The only thing we know is that we are down, and we don’t know exactly how to get back up.

But we don’t have to look further than the cross to realize that the most beautiful gift we were ever given came through pain. Instead of taking His place on a throne, Jesus was nailed to a cross.

Did His first disciples also wonder how this could be God’s good plan? Of course (Matthew 16:21-22; Luke 24:19-21)!

But, friend, Jesus’ pain was not the end of His story, and your pain is not the end of yours either. When the disciples ran to the tomb looking for Him, an angel spoke words that still bring us hope to this day: “He is not here; he has risen, just as he said” (Matthew 28:6a).

Because of Jesus, we have hope. We don’t have to pretend our pain isn’t real … It is real. But we don’t have to let our pain keep us down. Against all odds, against what was reasonable or rational, despite all that stood against Him, Jesus rose again!

My husband and I never did get our car back. Life doesn’t always get wrapped up in pretty bows like in the movies. But what I can tell you is that our God is faithful. We made it through, and while we didn’t know why we lost our car (twice!), we decided to trust God.

As you and I continue to meditate on Jesus’ resurrection in the days and months after Easter, let’s hold on to the confidence that because Jesus got up. In His strength, we can get up too. Adapted from Proverbs 31 Devotions.

How does shifting your focus to Jesus’ resurrection change your view of what you are walking through? How does the resurrection fill you with hope? He is risen, get up!

Power Verse: Romans 8:28, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose” (ESV).

Prayer: Oh, Lord Our God in heaven! I praise You today because You have defeated sin and death. I praise You today because You got up! Thank You for Your sacrifice and Your amazing love. When I experience pain, no matter what kind of pain, help me to remember that You have everything I need to live in the eternal victory You died to give me. When I feel weak, fill me with Your strength. When I am down, You lift me up. When I hurt, You soothe my pain. When I am afraid, You remind me that You will never leave me. You are risen, Lord. Risen indeed! I pray and give thanks in the name of the one who is risen, Jesus The Christ, the Savior, Amen.